Looking for a Business Valuation?
Today’s global environment has elevated the importance of valuations that support financial reporting, tax planning, litigation, mergers and acquisitions and more. Withum’s Valuation Services Team prides itself on delivering reliable results, competitive pricing and a quick turnaround time.

Our team has experience in valuing the following:
- Appraisals of Entire Businesses
- Equity Interests
- Complex Financial Instruments (earnouts, convertible debt, warrants, options, SAFEs)
- Healthcare Organizations
- Tangible Assets (including Machinery and Equipment)
- Commercial Real Estate
- Intellectual Property
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Valuation Insights

Fair Value Determination – Valuation Reminders
“A rising tide lifts all boats” – Credited to John F. Kennedy A corollary to this metaphor may be that a falling tide sinks all ships. Observance of daily high […]

Unlocking the Value: The Essentials of Purchase Price Allocation
What is a PPA? A Purchase Price Allocation (“PPA”) is a financial accounting process that takes place after a business acquisition or merger. It involves the allocation of the purchase […]

Unlocking Value Through Earn-Outs: A Guide to Contingent Consideration in M&A Transactions
In today’s competitive business landscape, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have become a crucial growth and value-creation strategy. As buyers navigate the complexities of deal-making, contingent consideration (AKA earn-outs) can provide […]