Get to Know Me

Israel has more than 17 years of experience providing value-add compliance and tax consulting services to not-for-profit clients of all sizes, including Public Charities, Private Foundations, Membership Associations, Arts and Cultural Organizations, and all other subsectors of the Not-for-Profit industry. He is an expert in Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT) and foreign filing requirements for tax-exempt entities. He has experience in providing Employee Benefits Tax compliance and consulting services to a diverse group of clients including Fortune 100 companies and some of the largest pension trusts in the world and assisting clients with the implementation of the requirements of various new legislation and regulations at both the Federal and State levels.

Israel is a frequent author for, New York State Society of CPAs TaxStringer, Bloomberg BNA, AICPA Journal of Accountancy, AICPA Insights and He also has presented at numerous regional and national conferences including New York Council of Nonprofits (NYCON), AICPA National Not-For-Profit Industry Conference, New York State Society of CPA’s annual exempt organizations conference, and the New York Nonprofit Media Nonprofit OpCon.

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form 5500
Form 5500 Filings: Steps to Avoid Costly Penalties

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