Get to Know Me
Based in Withum’s New York office, Michael Oates is the leader of the financial services tax practice. With over 30 years of experience with alternative investment funds, investment advisors and their owners. Michael often consults on the initial organizational structures and portfolio transactions to maximize tax efficiency. He serves as a trusted operational-matter tax advisor throughout the business and economic cycles of the fund and its advisor.
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Tax Court Weakens Self-Employment Tax Exception for Limited Partners
On November 28, 2023, the Tax Court ruled that the exception from self-employment tax for limited partners does not apply to limited partners who actively participate in the partnership’s business […]

Is That a Cayman Islands SPAC I Just Invested In?
Share There has been a proliferation of SPACs to hit the IPO market and more and more of them are based in foreign jurisdictions. Many SPACs that choose to domicile […]