• Prognosticating Interest Rates

    Share Prognosticating Interest Rates A previous blog gave a self-assessment method to determine where you feel the stock market and the level of dividends would be in 10 years. However,...

  • Stuff

    ...started to write this blog I quickly decided to put for the next recycling pick up. I recalled an Evelyn Woods’ Reading Dynamics course I once took and she [this...

  • What I did Tuesday

    ...able to interact with additional students and some of the other alumni, who were also pretty impressive. I also distributed a booklet that included two dozen of my blogs on...

  • For Mature Companies Only – Part One

    ...In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances. From the movie, Star Wars This is the first of a two-part blog – it focuses on why mature...

  • FINRA Is Getting More Analytical

    ...I tell you this because I, too, have received an extension of time to write this week’s blog. That extension was granted by my partner Brian Wallace. He offered to...

  • You Want to Help – You’re Only Human!

    ...warships and supplies to the Philippines as this blog is written.  But, without proper safeguards, much of the aid may end up in the wrong hands, and assistance to the...

  • Everyone’s a genius when the market is up

    ...strategy I recommend. I posted many blogs with my opinions and recommendations of how I think people investing to attain their long term financial security should invest. This blog is...

  • The Aphorisms of Charitable Giving

    ...blogged last week, exists to help employees in my firm who are facing extraordinary financial hardship. Over the past year, we have assisted a couple of Sandy victims as well...

  • Congress’ Proof of the Fed’s Lack of Importance

    ...have posted some blogs expressing my opinion [see my blog posted July 11, 2017]. Now, I want to offer some proof and for what it is worth, I will use...

  • Explanation of 2019 Market Performance

    ...about 40%. That would leave 60% available to buy back shares or, better, to fuel growth. However, if you read my previous blogs I expressed pretty consistent opinions about the...