• Annual Letter to Clients – Cliff Notes Version

    ...in the blog. The last blog contained a sample letter to clients from investment managers. I also suggested that do-it-your-selfers prepare a similar letter to themselves. The purpose was to...

  • Withum Partners’ Network

    ...312th consecutive column ending the sixth year there. Today’s blog announces the reconfiguration of the Partners’ Network (but it will have no effect on my blogs which will continue as...

  • Presidential Tidbits

    ...I posted a blog about the beginning of his presidency. See link at the end of this blog and also my previous blog last week. John Adams The first vice...

  • Extensions, Delinquent and Amended Returns

    ...sign up to receive notification when each new blog is posted. You can also check out the many other blogs that you might like to receive. Do not hesitate to...

  • Withum SOTF Meeting

    Share Withum SOTF Meeting I had a blog scheduled for today on what the investment charts tell us and a second blog for Thursday on measuring your investment performance. I...

  • Multiple On-Premises or Office 365 Deployments in Post-Merger Integration

    ...Because of all of the moving pieces that affect M&A scenarios, I have decided to shed some light on the process to make your company’s transition smoother. This blog is...

  • Life Insurance

    Share Life Insurance After the Individual Responsibility blog was posted, I received quite a few calls questioning why I don’t recommend whole life, universal or other forms of life insurance....

  • Stock Market Dividends

    ...of this blog I include two links from where I got the idea and information for this blog and the caveat on its use. It’s great when stock prices go...

  • What to do when bubble bursts

    Share What to do when bubble bursts My previous blog suggested standing pat when there is a substantial drop in the stock market. Today I want to discuss what to...

  • Predetermined Percentage Withdrawals

    Share The previous blog gave a prescription for retirement income withdrawals. A few people emailed me asking why I didn’t recommend a predetermined percentage withdrawal rate such as 4% a...