25-Year Partnership with Peter Weitsen
Yesterday was the 25th Anniversary of my partnership with Peter Weitsen. We’ve been together 16½ years at MendlowitzWeitsen, LLP and the last 8½ years at WithumSmith+Brown, PC. It’s been 25 wonderful years with a great partner, person and friend… 25 years of pleasure, not work.
During this period, Frank Boutillette joined us and when we merged with WS+B, we picked up 70 other partners. All of them being great partners and friends.
Round numbers and quarter Century milestones call attention to the length of and passage of time and call for reflection and congratulations. However, the best thing about these relationships is the daily interaction, camaraderie, support and friendship. We are in a business, but the people we choose to do that business with can make our lives pleasant or disconcerting. My good fortune has been to have enviable relationships with people that have also become friends. Dear friends.
We celebrate anniversaries, but knowing Peter has been a continuous celebration – each of the days of the past 25 years and looking forward for more to come. I wish all my readers similar celebrations.
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