Chris Andrews and Robert Campbell are renowned automotive dealership consultants who have conducted compliance trainings for many years. To meet the demand for on-demand training access, they have launched a video series accessible through the click of a mouse.
Whether for new employees or seasoned; serving as a refresher course or crash course… these training session videos will provide invaluable advice and insight which can help save you and your dealership money, time and aggravation. Compliance related to processes and procedures within the dealership is not a luxury, but a necessity.
Let Withum’s team of automotive dealership consultants help you train your employees properly, ensuring a smoother ride for you down the road of success.
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Dealership Training Videos Include:
Video: Form 8300
The IRS regulations regarding Form 8300 may seem straight-forward, but dealerships can struggle with 100% compliance if they are not fully clear on how to respond to all potential payment situations. This course will educate new hires and remind experienced dealership personal on our responsibilities when handling cash instruments. During this session attendees will learn:
- What are considered cash instruments of payment
- Information needed for completing the form
- Reporting of suspicious transactions
- How to improve compliance at your dealership

Video: Red Flags
The Federal Trade Commission’s Red Flags Rules require dealerships to develop a written program to spot the warning signs, or “red flags,” of identity theft. Staff need to be educated on your program and be provided on-going training to improve your dealership’s compliance. During this course attendees will learn:
- The background of the Red Flags rules
- How to spot the common issues regarding suspicious documents
- How you must respond when a “red flag” is raised
- The specific risks that dealerships must guard against

Video: Safeguarding
In order to conduct business, dealerships collect a ton of personal information from the customers. The financial data that the typical dealership stores could be a potential goldmine to identity thieves and other criminals. It is our responsibility to ensure the safety and confidentiality of this information. This educational video will train your staff on:
- Knowing what information is protected under the law
- How customer information should be stored
- What makes up a compliant safeguarding program
- Why privacy notices are important