Happy Fiscal New Year
A new year begins with great expectations that will hopefully result in great accomplishments. For many, the new year is also the beginning of a new fiscal year. Whether or not you are in business, most peoples’ finances are handled, managed and measured based on a year’s results; so a new fiscal year is now starting.
A suggestion is to get a thorough independent review of your entire financial picture, establish or ratify your short and long-term goals, review the risks you’ve assumed and get some sort of affirmation that your portfolio is on track to accomplish what you fiscally want out of life.
Money and investments are inanimate, have no memory, no loyalties and no feelings. Many of us tend to make it personal and we get attached to a course we are on or to an advisor group, certain stocks or method of investing, or locked in to “no-no’s” removing consideration of anything new. Now is a great time for a fresh look – the year’s slate is clean. Review your situation, make sure you understand what you are doing, how it will get you toward your goals and make you feel and be financially secure.
Now! Not Later! So next year you will look back at a happy fiscal year.
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