During this very serious and disruptive onset of COVID-19, hospitals are rightfully being instructed to defer all elective surgical procedures to assure capacity for potential COVID-19 patients, should the need arise.

However, the fiscal reality is that the majority of surgical cases performed in hospitals create positive margins and cash flow for these organizations. The deferment of these cases will cause a short term negative cash impact for hospitals, until the point when capacity allows for these specific cases to be rescheduled.

Withum’s Healthcare Advisory team has developed a Revenue Recovery Review tool that identifies potential Medicare claims going back for a period of four years that were incorrectly billed, and thus dollars not received. Our process is very noninvasive and only requires about two hours of IT time to create a file-based on our data specs. Within 30 days, the claims that we identify can be rebilled correctly and payment received.

For more information or if you are interested in our contingency fee-based review, please
contact Withum’s
Healthcare Advisory Team.

Our Revenue Recovery Review can assist in solving your short term cashflow interruption by recovering funds previously due by the Federal Government.

View Revenue Recovery Review Tool

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