Independence Day – A Celebration of Freedom
The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776, by many of the most prosperous and illustrious men in the American Colonies. It was a death warrant (should they have been captured by the British troops.) Instead, it became a proclamation of freedom for the 2.5 million people that were currently living in the colonies. What manner of men were they to risk everything they and their families had for freedom from British rule?
I find it hard to imagine the process in making the decision to sign that declaration. They had no reasonable expectation they would prevail in a war, let alone establish a new country. How did they make their decisions?
I have read many books and biographies on the Revolutionary War period and the people involved and still don’t have a clear answer. Each of the 56 signers was distinguished in their own right. Thomas Jefferson was a rich land owner and farmer. John Adams was a successful and well known attorney. John Hancock was an affluent merchant. Benjamin Franklin was a wealthy entrepreneur, a famous scientist and was tucked away in England for the ten years prior to the Revolution before he chose to return in 1775 to join in the debate and ruckus. Why?
They were flawed human beings, but they did what they did and created a standard that the World has not seen before or since and for which we benefit today with freedom, liberty and justice.
We can surmise but likely will never know for sure why they did what they did. However, what we can do is be grateful for their actions and try to live up to their ideals and expectations of us – their future generations.
Today, when we celebrate our freedom, let’s reflect not only on the brave patriots but also on our armed forces – past and present – that were and are in harm’s way to keep us safe and free.
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