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John, Paul, George & Ringo and Greatness

John, Paul, George & Ringo and Greatness

On Sunday night, CBS presented a program commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Beatles’ appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show.  I saw it then and also on Sunday.

When they made their first appearance, it was the start of a new age.  They were fresh, exciting, different, vibrant and strange in a good way.  Today, they are just as fresh, exciting and vibrant.  Not so different or strange.  Simply great! sgt_pepper

Paul and Ringo are consummate pros; they and their music still have it.  Not one second of the 2½ hour show was boring.  The only regret was that John and George are no longer with us.

Greatness needs a test of time.  I think 50 years seems like a reasonable time frame.  The songs performed in 1964 are just as thrilling today – more so because of familiarity.

Great performers continuously bring joy to our lives, making us happy.  The way we anticipate and look forward to them contributes to their greatness.  There are other great performers including sports figures that also are a pleasure to see.

We also live in a time with great business leaders whose products and modes of distribution make our lives easier and more enjoyable.  We all know who many of these people are.

What about our political leaders?  Do any of them exude greatness?

Do any show us big ideas rather than tiny thoughts?  Do any have big minds rather than small wits?  Do any of our leaders show us they want to make visionary conquests rather than be status quo ideologists?  Do our leaders seem generous or are they spiteful people who happen to be in leadership positions?  Do any of our leaders show us they want to bring people up rather than punish success?

We need leaders with broad ideas and broad shoulders, and not with pea-brained schemes and jelly bellies.  We need great people leading us.  Hopefully, some will rise above the fracas and lead the way we need.

While not political or business leaders, Paul and Ringo’s greatness has stood the test of time.  Their 50+ year body of work continually brings joy and has the consistency we expect.  It was a thrill to see the show Sunday night and to look forward to more great things from the two of them.

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