Last week Microsoft held its annual Ignite conference where Microsoft experts shed light on new and exciting technologies and tools, including Microsoft 365 and user adoption. This year was no different and we were introduced to a slew of new innovations and updates which continue to transform the way we work and collaborate. In this post I’ll focus on the Microsoft 365 adoption announcements from Ignite and what they mean for your organization’s user adoption journey.
How can these announcements fit into your organizational adoption? Watch this video to learn about the four Microsoft 365 user adoption announcements: #PeopleFirst Campaign; Microsoft Power Platform Adoption; Adoption Resources; and Microsoft 365 Administration and Management. Rather read? Click here for an overview.
- #PeopleFirst campaign: This campaign continues the expansion of the “concept of putting people at the center of all our technology decisions and advancements”. This aligns with Microsoft’s corporate vision to, “help people and businesses throughout the world realize their full potential”. This same idea of #PeopleFirst can easily apply to your Microsoft implementation. Think about how you are framing Microsoft to your staff. Are you introducing it as another tool, or as an investment in people? Microsoft can be a mindset shift for your entire organization if used properly. You must keep people at the forefront of your priorities and implement internal communication campaigns around People. Sit down with key stakeholders and come up with a vision for your Microsoft rollout and use #PeopleFirst as your driver.
- Microsoft Power Platform Adoption: Integrates into and includes activities such as adoption workbook, adoption best practices, adoption maturity model. You can start your adoption journey through these resources. Let’s say your organization is new to Power Platform, you can start fresh and plan appropriately. Microsoft has a start to finish, step-by-step adoption journey guide. If you are not new to the Power Platform, identify gaps in which you have missed opportunities. It’s never too late to work on your adoption journey.
- Adoption Resources: Microsoft launched @MSFTAdoption twitter account, Microsoft Feedback portal for Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Tech Community Live: Microsoft Teams Edition. If you have champions or business stakeholders that are involved with your Microsoft projects, share adoption resources. Build and nourish your internal community by sharing resources. This opportunity generates excitement, gets staff engaged and likely to share internally. For example, champions and power users often have ideas for Microsoft Teams, encourage them to submit, review ideas in the Microsoft Feedback portal for Microsoft Teams. Microsoft really cares about people’s experiences and perspectives. Include it as a resource if you have a Microsoft Teams community wiki or channel.
- Microsoft 365 Administration and Management introduced a simplified view admin center home page that includes Top actions, user management, subscription management, learning that also integrates into Microsoft Teams. Yes, that’s right, admins can also do their work front and center in Microsoft Teams. It’s important to give your admins leverage, because guess what? Admins help churn the machine in the background and can have an impact into staff. Microsoft recognized that smaller organizations really needed help, less resources, less time to fiddle around and try to click on many areas to complete their task. This also helps larger organizations get the job done with the right information and quickly.
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