Partners' Network

2020 Year End Financial Benchmark Charts and Graphs

These charts continue an annual tradition of charts that I use when I assist clients with their financial planning. The charts show the 10-year annual and cumulative percentage gains or losses of the major stock market indexes, interest rates, currencies and gold.

The charts include the dividends paid, the price to earnings ratios, the index’ earnings percent and dividend payout percent. Some of the amounts or calculations have been rounded to facilitate a review. These charts are provided for illustrative and educational purposes. No recommendations are made or should be inferred from the information presented. Also, note that past results are no indicator of future performance. The next blog will have additional charts comparing the indexes and next week I will discuss the results.

10 Year Financial Benchmark Performance of Major Stock Market Indexes, Interest Rates, Currencies and Gold


If you have any tax, business or financial issues you want to discuss please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected].

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