Role of a Marketing Person
Our firm just landed a new client through the thoughtful diligent quick follow up of one of our marketing people.
Karen Coviello, our firm’s technology niche marketing coordinator, participated in a venture fair earlier this year. At that conference Karen was approached by the CEO of a well-established company who was interested in learning more about Withum’s services. Karen then took that dialog to the next level following up via LinkedIn and other social media means. She was ultimately successful in her reach-out and arranged for a meeting between the CEO, CFO and our Technology Niche Practice Leader, Jim Bourke. Jim asked Karen to join him on the initial introductory meeting (her first prospect meeting).
Jim added Steve Talkowsky, Lauren Taguer and Kyle Braun to the proposal, and eventually engagement, team for the client’s audit and tax work. After additional meetings with the CEO and audit committee chair, we were selected for an agreed upon three year arrangement. Karen, Jim and the technology niche services team get many congratulations for continuing to add quality clients to our firm!
In terms of trade fair and show marketing, I believe one of the purposes is to create an environment that shows we are approachable as well as capable. Marketing is a thorough process that includes brand and culture awareness and highlighting firm expertise and professionalism. Trade shows offer a tiny glimpse into the firm, but when it is backed by a solid firm reputation the primary purpose is to offer a way in for someone with questions to be directed in a timely manner to the appropriate person in the firm. The marketing person needs to understand how the firm operates, partner and staff ability and specialization, and our client service structure and how it is managed. Karen’s overall preparedness, close involvement with our Technology Niche group, and diligent follow up created a grand opportunity to match what we can do with what the client needed. That is marketing as it is should be. Kudos to Karen and our team!
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