Setting an Agenda
Recently, I was approached with questions from a board member of a nonprofit organization in trouble about changes they will be making in their systems and procedures. Looking for suggestions, I told her they were off base and needed to get their priorities straight. At the same time, I was shown a retreat agenda from another nonprofit organization… Also off base.
Both organizations have admirable functions, a concerned and involved Board and a desire to expand the purposes of their organizations. Unfortunately, they also miss the point.
The first organization that was in trouble has a declining member and revenue base, yet they were concerned about something that does not address their main issue – staying alive and remaining relevant. I told them they need to focus on improving member retention and getting new members. Not coming up with a plan for this will be fatal. The absence of having good systems is an annoyance, maybe costly and perhaps stupid, but not terminal.
The agenda I saw was for an offsite 2½ day retreat. The impressive agenda had no time allotted for ways to engage or to improve services to members. I might be missing something but isn’t an organization’s raison d’être about the “customers” who, in this case, are the members. This organization is extremely successful, so maybe the Board chair doesn’t think member services need any attention. For me, it’s always about the customers. They also had a half an hour allocated for their strategic plan update. I don’t know what their plan is, and it might include something dealing with members, but I know there is a dearth of younger people on their Board. Perhaps some time should be devoted to this.
Part of the purpose of meetings and retreats is to engage Board members, promote camaraderie and to have fun. However, the main purpose should be to find ways to make the organization better, more important to members or customers, grow memberships and to be more profitable.
As Stephen Covey said: Make the Main Thing, the Main Thing!
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