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The Election is About the Supreme Court

The Election is About the Supreme Court

Do you prefer the views of Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas OR Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer?  This election will likely decide which type of Supreme Court justices we could expect during the next four years, should an opening arise.  We will not be getting an Anthony Kennedy, for starters…


I am surprised there isn’t more campaigning with this in mind.  Presidents come and go, and have profound effect on us.  But Supreme Court Justices stay and stay and stay, and while more subtle, also have a profound effect on us.  Two of the Justices mentioned above were appointed by Ronald Reagan, one by George H.W. Bush and two by Bill Clinton.

When voting, regardless of how you feel about the candidates, think about the type of person they are likely to nominate to the Supreme Court, how you will feel about that.  Consider these points when you decide who to vote for.

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