Venture Capital Fund Reference Manual

This guide assists managers with the latest financial reporting requirements that govern the industry.

Managing a Venture Capital Fund

With so many recent and anticipated changes on the horizon, managers must keep pace with the latest financial reporting standards, industry trends and hot-button topics – all in the name of running a successful investment vehicle.

This is an exciting time for the alternative investment community, from a record number of funds in which to invest to “watchful waiting” when it comes to the SEC’s next move in terms of rulemaking and enforcement strategies. One thing remains certain: when it comes to investor satisfaction and capital inflow, alternative investments rank at the head of the class.

Venture Capital funds continue to provide investors with opportunities to use their capital towards the transformation and growth of any number of privately-owned companies.

Should you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to contact our team. From start-up and fund formation to long-term audit, tax and compliance, Withum is the trusted advisor of choice throughout the entire alternative investment lifecycle.

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Colleen Fay


Whippany, NJ

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