Why Don’t Presidents Gain Weight?
President Obama’s hair appears to have gotten much grayer since he became president. But, he doesn’t seem to have gained any weight. Also, none of his predecessors during the last six decades seem to have gained weight during their presidencies. Why?
I don’t know, but I can guess. I suppose they eat the right foods irrespective of their frequent travel patterns, don’t over indulge liquor, get to sleep and wake up at a regular time irrespective of exceptions for emergencies they need to be apprised of or deal with and exercise on a regular regimen. They also don’t have to spend time commuting so have that extra time and no traffic stress many of us cannot avoid.
They are also public figures and weight changes can create an unfavorable image that can reduce confidence in them. I suspect they are aware of this and work at keeping their weight steady.
Well, the same applies to many heads of corporations, other business leaders, political figures and professionals such as physicians, attorneys and accountants. As much as we deny it, appearances do count. We can’t help the way we look, but we can control ourselves from unfavorable and unsightly changes.
I have an unscientific observation about weight changes. I’ve noticed that business people with weight run-ups seem to be having business or personal problems. I won’t speculate about this correlation, but it has proven to me over a long period of time to be a reliable indicator of problems.
Perhaps emulating what I suggested as the reason for President Obama’s steady weight is a good way to start dealing with your own weight and health.
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