The mobility of a company’s workforce is a critical factor in competing successfully in a global market. Whether it involves sending teams for short-term projects or moving executives to fill key positions, getting people to the right place at the right time can be critical to your success. The immigration laws and tax implications of such moves can make global mobility complex, both for the organization as well as the affected employees.

Withum offers specialized solutions to help companies design and implement the right policies to facilitate the global mobility of their employees.We help clients understand the benefits of global mobility services, from the employment tax obligations that come with delivering compensation globally to the tax benefits. We also assist employees in meeting their tax filing and payment obligations in both their home and host countries. To accomplish this, we work with the HLB global network of tax advisory firms around the world to provide end-to-end boutique level services and coordination.

  • Specialized Services : Specialized, Value-Added, Global Mobility Services
  • Team Approach : Team Approach to Proactively Assess Mobility Related Compliance Requirements and Cost Saving Opportunities
  • Global Network : Global Network of International Tax and Legal Specialists for End-to-End Solutions
  • Audit Defense Experience : Strong Audit Defense Experience with IRS and State Tax Authorities
  • Great Value Proposition : Big 4 Caliber Expertise with Personal Boutique Firm Services

How Can We Help?

For Individuals Moving Into or Out of the U.S.

We can assist with:

  • Pre-move tax counseling and planning to help individuals understand their new tax environment and avoid negative surprises in their new country of residence;
  • Year of arrival or departure planning to avoid tax traps and minimize tax exposure, including analysis of the complex Sec 7701 rules;
  • Assistance with all tax compliance requirements in both the home and host country;
  • Assistance with foreign financial account filing requirements;
  • Year-end tax reconciliations for employees covered by tax equalization programs maintained by their employers; and
  • Federal and state audit defense for residence controversy.
For Organizations Employing Individuals Who Relocate Internationally

We can assist with:

  • Global payroll delivery solutions, including compliance requirements and coordination;
  • Understanding income and payroll tax withholding obligations in both the home and host countries;
  • Social security and totalization planning and processes;
  • Assignment cost projections including preparation of tax equalization accruals;
  • Estimation of costs related to project-related group moves;
  • Year-end payroll and tax withholding compliance reviews; and
  • Mobility and tax equalization policy development and implementation.
  • Expatriation (Section 877 IRC) planning and compliance;
  • Foreign investment reporting (e.g. FBAR and PFIC filings);
  • Streamlined remediation of filing delinquencies for US citizens living abroad;
  • Treaty analysis to minimize global tax exposure; and
  • Cross-border retirement tax planning.

Contact Us

For more information or to discuss your business needs, please connect with a member of our team.


Kimberlee S. P. Murphy


Princeton, NJ - Corporate Headquarters

Bee Tan


Whippany, NJ